
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Small Step For Man. One Giant Leap For Hollywood

The step we refer to is a step aside and the man we refer to is a small man taking a small step while Hollywood's giant leap is being taken by a woman.

Confused? Let us explain.

Tom Cruise (the small man) has dropped out of the CIA thriller Edwin A. Salt and he is being replaced by another Hollywood A-lister who just happens to be a woman. Angelina Jolie!

The part of a CIA operative who's accused by his employers of being a Russian spy, putting him on the run while he fights to clear his name is being re-written to star a woman, a particularly hot woman at that. Presumably this will involve a name change (If they call it Edwina Salt we are officially boycotting).

This is huge news and is indeed a giant leap for Hollywood and in theory for women in Hollywood. The fact that a leading A-lister male star can be easily step aside (it's all making sense now) and be replaced by a leading woman without fear of hurting box office or damaging the movie's credibility is a significant landmark. But it should be pointed out that Angelina Jolie is about the only woman who could take this role. She's hot enough. She's ballsy enough. And she's got pedigree in serious, action/thriller roles. We can easily believe her as a CIA operative. Hell I'd be surprised if she isn't actually one already. Maybe she's training her massive family as a team of spy that Robert Rodrguez movie. I think it's called From Dusk Til Dawn.

We can't picture a lot of the major rom-com stars turned serious actors Roberts/Witherspoon/ Ryan...being shifted into this role so easily. Angelina Jolie seems to set rules of her own. So maybe this isn't the giant leap that women are hoping for. One final thing: Enough with the tats Angelina!

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