Anybody with a brain, a modicum of taste and an aversion to STUPID FUCKIN IDEAS avert your eyes now or prepare to be bowled over by just how cynical and stupid Hollywood studios can get.
Look, we can handle the fact that Disney are planning a sequel to the fun-at-the time but hopelessly outdated sci-fi movie Tron. After all, we're past being surprised by stupid remake/sequel ideas (Rocky Horror Picture Show, anyone?...Hell, they even announced a third Harold and Kumar movie yesterday!). One would at least assume there is room for improvement on the funny old-school effects, even though this improvement will inevitably shit all over the original and make it look silly thus ruining it's legacy.
No, the bit that makes us want to come over all Michael Douglas in Falling Down is that they are calling it Tr2n. Yes you read that right. It's not a misprint. Don't you get it? It's hip text language that makes NO FUCKING SENSE. Just think about it for a bit. 2 doesn't look like an o. It doesn't sound like it. It doesn't abbreviate it in any way. What the fuck is it doing there?!! Aaaahhhh!! What do you mean breakfast ended 3 minutes ago!!!!! Say hello to my oozie!!!

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