Darren Aronofsky is a bit of a favourite around here. His debut (which we won't mention because it involves a symbol we're too lazy to search for) was hugely promising and contained more ideas than 90% of the summer slate of a major movie studio. His follow-up Requiem For a Dream is a modern masterpiece and is quite literally astounding (there, we said it) and while his follow up The Fountain received a mixed critical reaction in the true sense (i.e. not lukewarm reviews but rather wildly differing evaluations at both ends of the scale) we belonged firmly to the group who thought it was absolutely ace. Ambitious, brave, left of centre and yet not self-indulgent meaningless or impenetrable as some people suggested. They're just wrong and the sooner they realise it the better.
Of course, none of these films have been commercial successes and Aronofsky has been hovering around numerous major studio projects for years in an attempt to pay the mortgage without selling his soul. Most notably he was attached to the Batman Year One project that eventually became Batman Begins and his name was in the running for Superman as well. Well it looks like he's landed a prize super-hero project after all.
He has been confirmed to direct the latest installment of the Robocop franchise and MGM are insisting it is not a remake or a reboot but simply the next instalment. And before you argue, yes, Robocop is a super-hero. Do your research. We're now officially excited about this project since anything Aronofsky does is interesting and Robocop has enough story potential to be a cerebral blockbuster rather than being brainless and inane. Let's hope we don't permanently lose Aronofsky to the land of the blockbuster. Darren, we hardly knew ya.
1 comment:
Thanks you OCP Gods! At least there is a chance that this franchise can be re-imagined and not castrated like, oh, Die Hard
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