Hulk ruled the roost in The U.S this week with a healthy if not 'Incredible' $55million (see what we did there...I bet you know one has ever thought so puntastic...ever!).
The numbers are pretty predictable. The early potential for this to bomb. The Hulk franchise was on the ropes after Ang Lee's Hulk was perceived to be disappointing to the blockbuster audience It was essentially telling the same story as the first and was yet another origin movie so why go back for more. But Edward Norton's involvement lent it some credibility and this 'reboot' promised to rectify the perceived faults of the first i.e. It wouldn't be so long and boring. Add to this the fact that the reviews have been healthy if not...okay you get the picture and it it all adds to a pretty average performance for a pretty average movie (which is itself, kind of a success).
Kung Fu Panda held up extremely well with over $35 million while The Happening surprised many people. On the surface it looks like a failure coming in 3rd. But $32 million after some poisonous reviews and a declining track record from the director proves at least three things, Mark Wahlberg is somewhat of a box office draw, good trailers make a difference, and M Night Shamalan is Unbreakable. He's like Bruce fuckin Willis. No matter how bad his movies are, no matter how much they disappoint, no matter how bad the reviews, people keep coming back for more. Lady In The Water was an ambitious and admirable failure but man was it a stinking failure just the same.
Note: The inclusion of The Happening poster was simply to avoid yet another shot of Ed Norton on what shall henceforth be knows and Edward Norton Day.
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