Here are trailers for two of the big hits from Sundance this year, which should be coming our way over the next few months.
First up Towelheads, written and directed by everyone's favourite dissector of suburbia Alan Ball aka writer of American Beauty and creator of Six Feet Under. This got glowing reviews (we've never seen a review glow but how and ever) and it looks right up Alan Ball's street (it literally looks like a street from American Beauty or Six Feet Under). Good cast and it looks like it's taking the thorny race issue head on and checking the political correctness at the door. It's called Towelheads for fucks sake!
Next up is The Wackness starring Ben Kinglsey and one of the Olsen twins (Who gives a shit which one...You do?...Get off our site!). This won the audience award at Sundance so isn't some stuffy critical favourite, though its reviews were seen lighting several rooms with their glow recently. Hard to know what it's about exactly but it looks like a fun movie with the bad, gloomy lighting of a thriller. It also stars Jeff Peck, the fat bastard from Mean Creek. See below for how he used to look. See the trailer for how he looks now. Dude obviously hasn't eaten since he made Mean Creek. Somebody give him a sandwich!

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