
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Children of Men TV Spin-off

A TV spin-off of Children of Men is being planned by David Eick, of Battlestar Galactica fame and also the recent remake of The Bionic Woman (with yer wan from Eastenders - which surely means it's shit!).

With Terminator and Blade spin-offs hitting screens in recent years, this sort of thing seems all the rage. Eick has pedigree (admittedly we haven't seen The Bionic Woman) in sci-fi but hopefully he'll remain true to the realism of the movie, which is barely sci-fi at all. A gripe: Why is everything that happens to be set in the future referred to as sci-fi? Possible answer: Future-fiction is a mouthful and anyone who says fu-fi should be beaten to death with their own shoes.

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