
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Madonna's Directorial Debut Has A Trailer

Watch this clip and ask yourself this question. If you didn't know this movie was directed by the cone-boobed ego-maniac Madonna, wouldn't you be a little intrigued by this movie?

Okay let's come right out and say it, this movie actually looks interesting. It may be directed by the woman who most people blame for ruining Guy Ritchie's career. The woman whose track record as an actor resembles the somewhat flawed track record of The Titanic. The woman who people claim is a trailblazer who reinvents latching onto whatever producers are so-hot-right-now and leaching off whatever fashion trends my Granny could tell me are coming around the bend. Okay she did blaze that fashion trail of obnoxiously heavy makeup and huge hair in the 80's but forgive us if we don't thank her for that.

With that off our chest, we'll go back to damning her with faint praise. This trailer for her movie Filth and Wisdom doesn't look like an average actor-turned-director joint i.e. worthy, actor-led, and generally misjudged Oscar bait. It looks far more left-field and dare we say it, bravely off kilter. Damnit!, you'd have to be brave to cast a Borat soundalike as your star and narrator. The movie did get some poor reviews from festival screenings but we'd expect the knives to be out for Madonna given that she's such a prat. So we're not gonna hold that against her movie. We'll reserve judgement for now. We'll give you that Madonna. We're kind and forgiving like that. We'll also admit that you were hot in your heyday.

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