
Friday, September 26, 2008

New ‘Valkyrie’ Trailer Is Worth Your Attention

The topic of Tom Cruise and his little film ‘Valkyrie’ has been the subject of many an internet debate over the past year or so. With release dates being shifted all over the shop and finally being locked to 26th December in the States shows all the signs of a studio that wasn’t sure what to do with the film. This doesn’t mean that Bryan Singer’s first non-Superhero in ten years smells rancid; in fact the release of ‘Valkyrie’ seems to be more determined by how successful* Tom Cruise’s PR machine are at restoring the damaged street cred of the Cruiser. Either way, this trailer is slick, tense and stylish.

* (Tom’s excellent turn in ‘Tropic Thunder’ is most definitely a clever PR move.)

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