
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Trailer Looks Good

Here's a trailer for the new Viggo Mortensen movie that isn't The Road. We may be chomping at the bit for the Cormac McCarthy adaptation but in the meantime we can make do with this present to cynical sub editors everywhere. The movie is called Good. If it movie sucks they are gonna have a lot of fun with the headlines. Why didn't they just go the whole hog and call it Great? What's with the rubbish simple titles around here these days. Yesterday we had Knowing. Now we have Good. Next there will be movies called Decent, Average and Not Bad If You're Into That Sort Of Thing.

Anyway, this one's about the Nazis so inevitably everybody speaks in posh English accents while saying things like 'I'm every bit as German as you'. People give out about this sort of thing as if the English thing is arbitrary, but then refuse to accept Alexander and his cohorts speaking with Irish accents. At least they tried to break the mould.

What's that? You'd like them to speak German if they're from Germany? Greek if they're from Greece? Are you crazy? That makes no sense.

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