
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ratner is Directing Everything - Well 'Beverly Hills Cop 4' Anyway

Variety announced today that Brett Ratner will be directing 'Beverly Hills Cop 4'. The revival of the franchise is a no brainer following the return of all our favourite 80's hero's in the past year or two and maybe Brett Ratner is an obvious choice since he has been successful with the 'Rush Hour' series. But what gets our goat is that yesterday, word was spreading that Ratner is also set to direct the 'God of War' film adaptation of the excellent PS2 game.

We've avoided going on the 'Ratner Rampage' that all of the other fanboy sites do but, here we go anyway. Ratner is a bland director, devoid of any unique vision and does excatly what is on the page bringing nothing 'autuerish' to his films. Such lack of style, craft and art means that this man should not be helming at least one major Hollywood film each year.

The reason Ratner is so prolific is that Hollywood honchos don't give a fuck about the film. They see that Ratner makes films under budget and on schedule and mostly importantly, his films make money.

There is only one way to stop Ratner's dominance, don't buy the cinema tickets to his films. The choice is yours.

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