
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

All Hail The Studio Hype Machine

So there's some new Dark Knight pics online. If you click the headline above you'll be brought to kneel and give worship before the great God of hype. We loved the first Nolan/Bale Batman and this looks solid and we're duly excited but quit drip-feeding us stuff and expecting us to get excited.

For the worst example of this nonsense, perhaps ever, see the trailer above. Believe it or not, this is a teaser for the teaser trailer. Yes , you read that right. We like a sneak preview and a whetted appetite as much as anyone but a movie better be good to justify this build up. Too often it's just about hyping to secure a big opening weekend and forgetting about actually making a good movie. Still, these two films have some pedigree so we're still optimistic.

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